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The Importance of Proper Drainage in Asphalt Paving

A close-up image of asphalt that has just been poured with a yellow roller on top of it in Carlsbad.

Whether you’re talking about driveways or parking lots, a lot goes into a professional asphalt paving project. In addition to ensuring a smooth, level installation, it’s also important to ensure asphalt paving in Carlsbad has proper drainage. 

Luckily, Constructors, Inc. provides quality paving services in Carlsbad, NM. Contact us online or call (575) 885-8838 today.

To Protect the Asphalt 

The main reason that proper drainage is important is because water and asphalt paving mix together as well as water and oil. If water seeps into asphalt, it causes serious damage and breaks it down from the inside out. Therefore, it’s important that asphalt can drain away from the surface and not into it. 

To Protect Nearby Buildings 

Proper drainage also protects nearby buildings from flooding. If water is allowed to pile up on asphalt, it will eventually overflow and leak into buildings on top of the asphalt, resulting in flood damage. 

Fewer Potholes and Cracks 

Even if water doesn’t seep into asphalt paving, it can cause damage from the top. Water puddles in the middle of asphalt eat away at the surface and eventually cause potholes and cracking. When that happens, you’ll need to invest in expensive asphalt repairs and potentially have to redo entire sections of your parking lot or driveway. 

Less Risk of Freezing 

While you might not be worried about freezing in Carlsbad, frozen water on asphalt is a big problem in other parts of the country. It can lead to car accidents, fender benders in parking lots, or people slipping while walking to their cars. If water isn’t allowed to sit on the asphalt surface, there’s less risk of this happening. 

Prevents Erosion 

In the same way that moisture buildup can create potholes and cracks in the middle of asphalt paving, it can also cause erosion around its perimeter. Crumbling pavement is a huge issue and an expensive problem to fix, and it’s much easier to prevent it in the first place by ensuring proper drainage. 

The Best Asphalt Paving in Carlsbad

If you want to rest assured that your asphalt paving project gets done right the first time, Constructors, Inc. is the team for you. From parking lots and sidewalks to driveways and roads, we’re the asphalt paving pros for the job. Call (575) 885-8838 today.

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